A.C.E. 1
ACE CD 1.iso
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A.C.E. Extractor
The extractor will unpack the .DMS & .LHA files on our CD's.
EXTRACT.LHA is found in the UTILS directory of the CD, just unpack it to
your hard drive.
To start the extractor double click on the icon & the
utility will load in the extractor & data for the CD or CD's.
(more about that later).
Once loaded you will see the ACE-EXTRACT info screen this
tells you the version of the extractor, how many titles are
in the current datafile & the date it was last updated.
To exit this screen just click on OK to see the Main Menu.
Main Menu
Title Bar (Top of screen) [Right Mouse Button]
Load or Right Amiga Key & L
This will load a new datafile if your CD has more than one.
Info or Right Amiga Key & I
Will bring up the extractors Info screen mentioned above.
About or Right Amiga Key & A
This will bring up a couple of Greetings & Dedication
screens. Select MORE on the first screen to see the second
and OK to exit the second.
Quit or Right Amiga & Q
Can't imagine what this one does.
Filter or Right Amiga & F
This brings up the Select Filter Options screen, the reason
for this screen is to filter out the data for other CD's
we may release in the future.
For example:-
On our first CD there will only be one Datafile you can load
in thats the Datafile for our CD No.1.
On our CD No.2 there will be two Datafiles one for CD No.2 for
the people who only have CD No.2 & one for people who have both.
On our CD No.3 there will be two Datafiles one for CD No.3 for
the people who only have CD No.3 & one for people who have more
than one of our first 3 CD's.
The filter will give these people the option to cut out the
Datafile for certain CD's they may not have. If they have CD's
No.1 & No.3 but not No.2 then they can Filter out the Datafile
for No.2 & the Menu will only show the Titles on CD's No.1 & No.3
simple or what ?
Main Menu Screen
SEARCH or Right Amiga & S:
When you first load in the extractor you will notice a list of
contents & four buttons at the bottom of the screen of which only
one is active SEARCH. You can use this button to search for a
Title for example lets say you only wanted to unpack the game
Alien Breed 2 but don't want to scroll up & down the listing,
click on the SEARCH button this will bring up the search
option screen. Here you could enter BREED & click on the SEARCH
button & the extractor will search for any title containing the
word BREED & list the on the screen for you to select & unpack.
There are also search options of where in the title the string
is found & if you require them to be case sensitive or not.
To get back to the full CD listing just click on the SHOW ALL
Other Options On The Main Screen
To activate the other Buttons you will first have to select a
title to unpack. Done that ? Good!
You will notice that some information has now come up on the
screen i.e. Cracked by, Trained by, Number of Disks required
and Comments etc. Also you will notice that three buttons are
now active UNPACK GAME, SEARCH(as above) & UNPACK DOCS.
NB: UNPACK DOCS may not always be active, it will only be
active if the Docs are on the CD for that title.
UNPACK GAME or Right Amiga & U:
This will unpack the title you have selected with either DMS or
LHA which the extractor will use directly from the CD you do not
need either on you Hard Drive.
This will bring up an options screen giving you the option to
select different Source & Destination Devices if the file is an
LHA file then the extractor will prompt you for a Path Name, we
would not recommend using RAM: as some of the files are very large
best you select a Hard Drive. Just select what is right for your
system then click on UNPACK. If the title is made up of Disks &
there are more that ONE disk then the extractor will automatically
UnDMS all the disks in order for that title be it Game or Utility.
UNPACK DOCS or Right Amiga & D:
If the docs are on the CD for the title you have selected then you
can unpack them to you choice of device as above as they are all LHA,
but once again we suggest you pick a path to a Hard Drive &
not RAM: as some of these files are very large.
NB: Anywhere use see a button with a letter in that option with an _
under the letter then that option can be accessed using the
Right Amiga Key & that Letter
For Example:-
On the UNPACK DOCS button the D has an _,
so to unpack the documents to a title press the following:-
Right Amiga & D
Well thats about all there is to it, have fun with this CD.
P.S. We have used the same structure for our CD as the guys who did the
Ultimate Amiga CD No.1 as they are no longer doing CD's.
Our reason for copying that structure is coz it makes for a nicely laid out
CD with not too many files in each directory (Have you ever waited while
about a 1,000 files list on the screen ? Even with an 030 it's go & make
a cuppa tea time!).
A.C.E. Amiga